Engage, Excite and Inspire students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields by supporting their journey to Science Fairs.
Help students discover the FUN of learning Science and Engineering!
Knowing that you as an individual or your company shares our enthusiasm to inspire students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, we would like to express our appreciation for your excitement in joining MSU Bagley College of Engineering by helping to support the Science and Engineering Fairs. Because the cost of preparing and sending our winners to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair comes to approximately $50,000, and because of shortfalls in funding, we cannot provide this life-changing program for Mississippi K-12 student without financial support from you or companies like yours. This would be a great opportunity for your company to partner with the MSU Bagley College of Engineering.
We send appreciation to our current sponsors:
- Mississippi State University Bagley College of Engineering
- Mississippi State University President's Office
- Mississippi State University Provost's Office
- Mississippi State University Office of Research & Economic Development
- Mississippi State University Division of Agriculture, Forestry, & Veterinary Medicine
- Mississippi State University Office of Student Affairs
Donation Levels
The International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
Dr. Tina Gibson
Director of Region V MSEF
Mississippi State University
Bagley College of Engineering K-12 Outreach
200 McCain Hall, Mail Stop 9544
Miss. State, MS 39762
P: 662.325.8511
F: 662.325.8573