Enrichment Boxes

Enrichment Boxes are meant to help teachers supplement their existing curriculum. Instructions on how to run the equipment and possible enrichment activities will be included in the box.

School educators may check out an Enrichment Box to use in the classroom for a two week period. Equipment should be returned in the same condition it was loaned. The borrower agrees to meet Dr. Tina Gibson half-way (if school is located more than 30 minutes from the MSU campus) for drop off and pick up of supplies. Training at a workshop or school meeting is required before the Spectrophotometers and Gel Electrophoresis equipment can be loaned out. A computer app (at no cost) from Vernier Science Equipment will need to be downloaded onto a computer(s) to access the graphing data. Other lessons in these two boxes do not require an app to conduct the lesson. If you are unable to attend a training session for these items, a WebEx meeting MAY be possible for setup for a review if you have prior experience with the above equipment.

(Click on the images below for a larger preview)

Binocular Enrichment Box

More Info

This kit was developed as an enrichment activity for your students. The equipment was donated to our department. I hope the activities found in this binder will enhance your lesson and further support, the teaching and learning that is occurring in your classroom each day.

Available equipment and materials (for all lessons)

  • Binoculars (12)
  • Worksheets
  • Bird pictures
  • Science News articles

Gel Electrophoresis Enrichment Box

More Info

This kit was developed as an enrichment activity for your students. The equipment was donated to our department. I hope the activities found in this binder will enhance your lesson and further support, the teaching and learning that is occurring in your classroom each day.

Available equipment and materials (for all lessons)

  • Gel electrophoresis classroom set-up (power supply, gel box, comb; 10 sets)
  • Practice pipetting gel stations (10)
  • Agarose
  • Food coloring/dyes
  • Buffer solution (TBE)
  • MicroPipettes for 10 – 1000 μL and tips
  • Weighing boats
  • Beral pipets
  • Filter paper
  • Markers
  • Cups and/or beakers
  • Rulers
  • Transparency film
  • Stainless steel wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Small plastic box (3” x 5”/ 8 x 12 cm)
  • Gel comb (or two craft sticks and wooden coffee stirrers)
  • Masking tape
  • Two 5” (12 cm) pieces of stainless steel wire (* paperclips can be used but will rust)
  • Two electrical leads with alligator clips
  • Five, 9-volt batteries
  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • Agar-agar powder
  • Exacto knife
  • Glycerin/glycerol
  • Needle-tip disposable pipette *
  • Hot plates
  • Eppendorf tubes (microtubes for storage of solutions)

Sound Sensor Enrichment Box

More Info

This kit was developed as an enrichment activity for your students. The equipment was donated to our department. I hope the activities found in this binder will enhance your lesson and further support, the teaching and learning that is occurring in your classroom each day.

Available equipment and materials (for all lessons)

  • Data sheet (one per student)
  • Tuning forks
  • Rubber mallets
  • Shallow pan
  • Beakers and/or cups
  • Go Direct Vernier Sound Sensors
  • Worksheets
  • Rules (6” and 12”)
  • Colored pencils

Spectrophotometry Enrichment Box

More Info

This kit was developed as an enrichment activity for your students. The equipment was donated to our department. I hope the activities found in this binder will enhance your lesson and further support, the teaching and learning that is occurring in your classroom each day.

Available equipment and materials (for all lessons)

  • Bromothymol blue (BTB) stock solution (0.04%); absorbance peak at 207 nm.
  • Cuvettes
  • Beral pipet or 1000 μL micropipettor
  • Spectrophotometer or SpectroVis Pro
  • Test Tubes
  • UV beads
  • Pipe cleaner or ribbon
  • Worksheets
  • Sunscreen
  • UV flashlight
  • Beakers and/or cups