Lower Fair (Grades K-5)

April 15, 2025 | The Humphrey Coliseum, Mississippi State University 

To participate in the Lower Fair, schools must register by November 15, 2024.
Then students must complete necessary paperwork outlined in the following steps. Due March 28, 2025.

Schools may send three students from each academic grade for each of the categories (ie. 3 students from 2nd grade in Botany, etc.). If schools do not have enough students interested to host a science fair at their school they can assist students in registering to compete at the regional fair without competing in a school fair.

Awards will be given for places 1st-6th for each grade in each category. A Best of Fair award will be awarded for each grade level.

Step 1:

School Registration
(due November 15, 2024)

Early School Registration deadline is October 25, 2025.
Key teachers for schools that register before this date and who participate in the fair will receive two free student registration positions.

ALL schools must have a Scientific Review Committee (SRC); Internal Review Boards (IRBs) are for those schools who allow student projects using vertebrates, potentially hazardous materials - including molds, and human subjects. IRB and SRC teams must be correctly listed.

An SRC must include a biomedical scientist (registered nurse, earned doctorate, veterinarian, professor...), an educator, and at least one additional member.

An IRB must include an educator, a school administrator, and an individual who is knowledgeable about and capable of evaluating the physical and/or psychological risk involved in a given study. This may be a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, doctor of pharmacy, registered nurse, psychologist, licensed social worker, someone who holds a doctorate in educational research, or licensed clinical professional counselor.

Categories: Descriptions

  • Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Animal Sciences
  • Biomedical and Health Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Mathematics and System Software
  • Robotics and Intelligent Machines
  • Plant Sciences

Step 2:

Project Paperwork
Prior to Experimentation

Teams: Only KINDERGARTEN teams of 2 are allowed to enter Region V Lower Fair. Grades 1-5 are not allowed to present in teams.

All projects for grades K-5 require:

  1. A student registration form
  2. An abstract form

Determine if the project requires additional forms as these forms must be completed prior to experimentation. (Projects that DO involve human, animals, biohazards, etc.).

  • If additional forms are required due to the nature of the project, visit the Forms Wizard to determine if additional forms are needed (humans, biohazards, microorganisms (excluding yeast), harmful or hazardous activities, etc.).
  • ISEF forms link if needed: ISEF forms
  • Remember that all paperwork with the exception of the abstract and student registration must be filled out prior to any experimentation.
  • If you have any questions regarding these forms please contact msefregionv@gmail.com

Step 3: 

Student Registration
(due March 28, 2025)   

Participants must have already placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in their category and class within their school or district level competition. If schools do not have enough students interested to host a science fair at their school they can assist students in registering to compete at the regional fair without competing in a school fair. The Lower Fair is divided into 6 competition classes: Grade K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5.

Minimum Requirements include a Registration Form and an Abstract (Projects that DO NOT involve human, animals, biohazards, etc.). (See step 2)


  • The registration fee
    • $30.00 per student (swag and table provided)
    • Only Kindergarten students are allowed to participate as a team in the Lower Fair. Each student must fill out a registration form and pay the fee. One copy of abstract/additional forms for each team will suffice.
    • Schools may pay by school check. Send the check to
      Bagley College of Engineering ATTENTION: Dr. Tina Gibson
      Mail Stop 9544
      Mississippi State University, MS 39762.
  • Late Registration: An additional fee of $5 per student will be charged for late entries with NO exceptions.
    • A Lower Fair entry is considered late when it is received later than March 28, 2025.
    • Please contact the director at msefregionv@gmail.com if your school needs more time for payment.
  • Projects that DO NOT involve human, animals, biohazards, etc. may be submitted by online registration or fax, email (scan), or mail to the Region V MSEF Coordinator.
  • Projects that DO involve human, animals, biohazards, etc. MUST be submitted by fax, email (scan), or mail to the Region V MSEF Coordinator.

Abstract Form - located on back of registration form

All project registrations must include an abstract that is completed after all experimentation. This form is combined with the student registration form. This should not exceed 250 words summarizing the project (not a research plan). Teachers, please review the abstract for legibility. This will help expedite our registration process.

Step 4:

Make the board for presentation.

Only tri-fold boards are allowed at the lower fair. We suggest the following dimensions but all sizes can work.

  • Tri-fold boards that fit in a 3 foot wide space on a table. Traditional dimensions 36" x 48" open and 36" x 24" closed (suggestion).
  • You will not be disqualified for board size but you must fit within a 3 foot wide area. Although the traditional size is 48" when open that is meaning open flat. When displaying the board, the flaps are angled causing no issues with fitting within a 3 foot wide area.

Suggested formats for boards